t. (845) 677-8223
f. (845) 677-6563
e. dutchess@cornell.edu
w. ccedutchess.org
The 4-H program began in Dutchess County in 1913. Through 4-H young people learn positive behaviors and life skills such as persistence, communication, respect and commitment. 4-H youth choose to spend on average 200 hours of their free time each year dedicated to their projects, as well as participating in community service, public presentation events and leadership development. Projects range from raising, caring for and training animals to arts, crafts, literature and science.
For many, the opportunity to exhibit at the Dutchess County Fair is the ‘capstone’ of their 4-H year. Our pledge in seeking support for this fundraiser was as follows:
This report is to thank all of you who made the 2023 4-H A-Fair possible and successful, and to tell you what was achieved and how we achieved it. You contributed to something amazing!
Click here to download the complete report.