Planning for Green Infrastructure: What Municipal Boards Need to Know

On Tuesday, March 29, 2016, Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County led a two-hour educational forum on Planning for Green Infrastructure.

The forum provided an overview of what municipal boards should consider when reviewing and incorporating green infrastructure practices into site plans with a focus on municipal capacity, future maintenance considerations, and enforcement options. The forum included case studies on a variety of approaches to inspection, maintenance & enforcement, including examples of what has worked and what has not worked. It also included an exercise in reviewing a site plan to discuss possible options and considerations for controlling stormwater on site.

Presenters included:

  • Carolyn Klocker - Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County
  • Walter Artus - Stormwater Management Consultants
  • Wanda Livigni - Town of LaGrange
  • Eric Hollman - Town of Poughkeepsie
  • Jen Cavanaugh - Fuss & O'Neill, Inc.

Last updated April 6, 2016