Each year, Master Gardener volunteers and CCE staff hold our annual plant sale in May, at the Dutchess County Farm & Home Center in Millbrook. Our volunteers grow and sell a wide variety of annuals, perennials, vegetables and herbs. Some of these varieties are "tried and true" favorites, others are exciting new introductions. This is our primary fundraiser and we count on your support! Our volunteers are available to answer your gardening questions and to help you make your plant selections.
The 2022 plant sale is scheduled for Friday May 13 (from 10 AM-4 PM) & Saturday May 14 (from 9 AM-2 PM). No early birds please! It will be held in person on the front lawn of the Farm & Home Center, 2715 Rte 44, Millbrook.
These are the lists of plants that will be for sale. .
You can also preview them at our CCEDC MGV Plant Sale Preview site
Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County
2715 Route 44
Millbrook, NY 12545-5566
Last updated April 13, 2022