2020 CAC-EMC Roundtable

CCEDC's Michelle Gluck presenting on plastic pollution prevention

Dutchess S.U.P.P.P. Display Board

Dutchess S.U.P.P.P display

EMC/CAC Roundtable 2017

CAC-EMC Roundtable

CAC-EMC Roundtable

The 2021 Annual CAC and EMC Roundtable was held on Tuesday, March 30th from 6:00-8:00 PM via Zoom (see registration link below). The event focused on a discussion of CAC and EMC successes, challenges, and goals for the year.

If you missed it, or want to share it with a colleague, see below for a recording of the meeting!


The presentation slides are also available, here:


For information on the roles of CACs, CBs, and the EMC in Dutchess County, please watch this short video:

Last updated February 20, 2024