DC Fair Organics Recycling Education 2014

CCEDC education on recycling & composting at the Dutchess County Fair, 2014.

Organics Recycling

The collection and processing of organic waste into other value added products, and the use of waste derived materials.

Organic Waste:

  • Storm debris, food waste, biosolids, residues from food or other manufacturing processes
  • Manure, field crop residues, farm plastics and wood waste from logging and land clearing
  • Food preparation scraps, grocery “past sell date” food, uneaten food.
  • Garden waste, landscaping debris, leaves


  • Controlled aerobic decomposition of organic waste materials by the action of small invertebrates and micro organisms.
  • Includes static pile composting, Vermi-composting, windrow composting
  • Can be on a household, farm, community or commercial level.
  • Usually used for garden waste and food scraps, but not meat or dairy.
  • Produces a useful soil amendment - compost.

Anaerobic Digestion:

  • Controlled anaerobic decomposition of organic waste materials using biological processes without oxygen.
  • Usually done at a community or commercial level
  • Used for any organic material, including all food waste, animal waste and yard waste.
  • Produces
    • Biogas - a renewable fuel (60-70% methane), which can be used to produce electricity
    • Digestate -a liquid slurry. 1-8% is solids which can be composted, the rest can be used as a liquid fertilizer. 

Last updated August 8, 2017