summer food

Summer Food Service Programs

We like to think of summer vacation as a carefree time for kids. However, as schools close for the summer, the school meals many low-income children rely on also come to an end. As a result, millions of children spend their vacations worried about how to get enough to eat.

Key partners around the Hudson Valley Region will provide FREE meals to children during the summer as part of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. We will be posting sites, times and information about sponsoring agencies on this page as we receive the details. Youth eighteen years of age and younger are invited to drop by any of the sites for a free, delicious and nutritionally balanced meal; there is no paperwork, residency requirement, or income requirement.

The Summer Food Service Program is a great way to ensure that kids get the healthy food they enjoy during the school year, even when schools are not in session. SNAP-Ed New York of the Hudson Valley Region has made it our mission to work with community partners and statewide agencies to increase community knowledge about the program and to increase youth participation.

Families are encouraged to call 1-866-348-6479 or Text FOOD to 877-877 to find out more about all the Summer Food Service Programs being offered in your area. Check back often for links to flyers or other webpages featuring dates, times, and contact information for Summer Meals Sites in the Hudson Valley!


Shayna Russo
SNAP Ed Project Manager
(845) 677-8223 x150

Last updated July 11, 2024