Seed Library

Seed Library

Seed Library

Libraries are vital places in our community that offer much more than books! Seed Libraries are sprouting up in local libraries, thanks to an initiative of Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County Master Gardener Volunteers.

A seed library is a community-based resource for sharing seeds. Like a regular library, gardeners "borrow" seeds from a seed library at planting time. At the end of the growing season, they save the seeds from their plants and return a portion of the seeds to the library.

In collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County (CCEDC), four libraries—Staatsburg, Pawling, Pleasant Valley, and Beekman- will offer seed libraries as a part of our 2025 program. We aim to spread awareness about seed-saving and provide an opportunity for residents to grow their own food. 

Some libraries will even offer coordinated garden programming. 

Need more help? A dedicated resource page on the CCEDC website will guide you towards growing hints and educational fact sheets to help you on your gardening journey. Master Gardener Volunteers are also available to help you 9:00 AM to Noon Mondays & Wednesdays (April through Sept) on the Horticulture Hotline (845) 677-6563 or via Ask2.extension

Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteers raise funds to support community projects like this by hosting an annual plant sale at the Farm and Home Center in Millbrook, NY.



Heather Brenner
Community Horticulture Program Coordinator
845-677-8223 ext 151

Last updated March 3, 2025